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Documents et références
- Semblat J.F., Reiffsteck P., Foerster E., Canou J., Lopez-Caballero F., Esnault-Filet A., Fry J.J. (2019). Caractériser et prévenir la liquéfaction des sols sous les ouvrages : le projet ISOLATE, 10ème Colloque Nat. de Génie Parasismique, Strasbourg ⇒ @lire
- Khalil C., Lopez-Caballero F. (2019). Effet des signaux synthétiques sur les tassements induits par la liquéfaction, 10ème Colloque Nat. de Génie Parasismique, Strasbourg.
- Lopez-Caballero F. (2019). Évaluation de la vulnérabilité sismique d'une digue à la liquéfaction en utilisant des métamodèles, 10ème Colloque Nat. de Génie Parasismique, Strasbourg.
- Dang Q.H.,Karagiannopoulos P.G., Reiffsteck P., Fanelli S. Benoît J., Desanneaux G. (2019). Application of cyclic pressuremeter tests to evaluate soil liqu eefaction, XVII ECSMGE Reykjavik.
- Karagiannopoulos P.G. Peronne M., Reiffsteck P., Szymkiewicz F. (2019). Measure of the pore water pressure during expansion tests - physical and numerical approach, XVII ECSMGE Reykjavik.
- Dang Q.H., Gobbi S., Reiffsteck P., Lenti L. (2019). The effect of isotropic preloading on static liquefaction of sand and mixtures of sand and plastic fine. Int. Conf. on Geotechnics for Sustainable Infrastr. Devt, Geotec Hanoi.
- Gobbi S., Lenti L., Santisi D'Avila M.P., Reiffsteck P., Semblat J.F. (2019). Influence of the variability of the geotechnical properties of soils on computed response spectra for 1D stratigraphies (ECSMGE September, Reykjavik).
- Kteich Z., Labbé P., Javelaud E., Semblat J.F., Bennabi A. (2019). Extended equivalent linear model (X-ELM) to assess liquefaction triggering: Application to the City of Urayasu during the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, Soils and Foundations (in press). DOI: 10.1016/j.sandf.2019.02.002
- Khalil C., Lopez-Caballero F. (2019). The effect of liquefaction-induced damage on an embankment: “virtual” laboratory tests, 3rd meeting of EWG Dams and Earthquakes. An international Symposium.
- Khalil C., Lopez-Caballero F. (2019). Effect of synthetic ground motions on the liquefaction induced settlements, 13th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, ICASP13.
- Khalil C., Lopez-Caballero F. (2019). Effect of natural and anthropogenic soil heterogeneities on the liquefaction-induced damage of a levee, 7th international conference on earthquake geotechnical engineering.
- Gobbi S., Santisi D'Avila M.P., Lenti L., Reiffsteck P. (2019). Characterization of mechanical parameters for liquefiable soil using laboratory tests (RUGC June 2019, Nice).
Références bibliographiques
- Santisi d’Avila M.P., Pham V.A., Lenti L., Semblat J.F. (2018). Extended Iwan-Iai (3DXii) constitutive model for 1-directional 3-component seismic waves in liquefiable soils: application to the Kushiro site (Japan), Geophysical Journal International, 215(1): 252–266. doi: 10.1093/gji/ggy266
- Lopez-Caballero F., Modaressi-Farahmand-Razavi, A., and Stamatopoulos, C. A. (2016). Numerical evaluation of earthquake settlements of road embankments and mitigation by preloading. Int. Journal of Geomechanics, 16(5).
- Montoya-Noguera S. and Lopez-Caballero F. (2016). Effect of coupling excess pore pressure and deformation on nonlinear seismic soil response. Acta Geotechnica, 11(1):191-207.
- Javelaud E. (2015) Etat de l’art des méthodes d’évaluation du risque de liquéfaction. Cas des ouvrages à risques normal et spécial en France, 9ème Colloque national AFPS 2015, IFSTTAR, Champs-sur-Marne.
- Li Z., Escoffier S., Kotronis P. (2013). Using centrifuge tests data to identify the dynamic soil properties: Application to Fontainebleau sand, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 52: 77–87
- Santisi d’Avila M.P., Lenti L., Semblat J.F. (2012). Modeling strong seismic motion: 3D loading path vs wavefield polarization, Geophysical Journal International, 190: 1607-1624.
- Reiffsteck P., Lossy D., Benoît J. (2012). Forages, sondages et essais in situ géotechniques, Presses de l’ENPC, 800 p.
- Semblat J.F., Pecker A. (2009). Waves and Vibrations in Soils: Earthquakes, Traffic, Shocks, Construction Works, IUSS Press, 500 p.
- Nguyen T.L., Semblat J-F, Reiffsteck P., Lenti L. (2008) Anisotropic velocity and attenuation for shear waves in a layered soil by resonant column tests, Seismological Society of America’s 2008 Annual Meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
- Foerster E. & Modaressi H. (2007), Nonlinear numerical method for earthquake site response analysis II- case studies, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 5 (3): 325-345.
- De Gennaro V., Canou J., Dupla J.-C., Benahmed N. (2004). Influence of loading path on the undrained behaviour of a medium loose sand. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, vol. 41, pp. 166-180.